
Showing posts with the label hypertension

Going Vegan: Is Vegan Healthy?

India is a land of diverse cultures and religious beliefs. According to the ancient and medieval Hinduism texts, the consumption of meat is not prohibited, but it is strongly recommends ahimsa - non-violence against all life forms including animals. This is the reason why a major part of India’s population follows vegetarian diet. A strict vegetarian can consume everything except for animal meat and eggs. Wait! Then who are Vegans? A vegan is someone who is associated with philosophy that rejects the ‘commodity status’ of animals. The Vegans refrain from using animal products, particularly in their diet. Now you must be thinking that Vegetarians and Vegan are the same, right? The answer is absolutely NO. The Vegans do not use anything that contains animal meat or their by-products. They don’t even use diary products like milk, cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese and products made up of animal skin and even medicines, cosmetics, soaps (that contains animal by-produc

Everything you need to know: Potato and its Benefits

Potato is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. Spanish introduced it to Europe in the second half of 16th century. Today, potato has become a stable food in many parts of the world, especially in India. It is also the world’s fourth-largest food crop, following maize, wheat and rice. A raw potato is 79% water; consisting mainly of carbohydrate (17%), low amount of protein (2%) and negligible fat. It is also rich in the vitamins like B6 and C and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous and zinc. Potato also has a bad-reputation amongst the people who are trying to loose weight. Most “trainers” strictly advise their client to stop consuming potato (or most of the carbohydrate sources for that fact), when they are “dieting”. Does potato really messes with your weight loss programme? Does it really help in maintaining Blood Pressure levels? And most importantly, Is it good for you? Don’t worry. I’m going to answer everything question on